Rust | Mold | Graffiti | Oil & Grease | Organic Corrosion
Laser Rust Removal Restoration and Cleaning
What is it?
Our unique laser cleaning service allows our customers in Purdon TX 76679 to reduce production interruptions and enhance productivity. Solving problems effectively and efficiently, helping our customers reach and exceed their goals.
20X Faster – We clean faster than using chemicals
Efficient – set-up is easy and we can start cleaning in minutes
Minimal space required – laser cleaning does not require extra space, meaning little impact on surrounding work areas
Safe – laser cleaning will not leave chemical, mechanical or thermal strain on the substrate
Mobile – the laser can easily be maneuvered providing flexibility
Clean – low noise, no chemicals, less fumes and dust, which means no clean up after work is performed
Minimal waste – laser cleaning does not leave collateral waste or leftover hazardous materials
Environmentally friendly – chemical cleaning materials are not required and any waste can be easily removed via a vacuum | Stop wasting time and money on pressure washing or sand blasting
What can you clean with a laser?
Laser cleaning is a relatively new technology in Purdon TX 76679 with a significant number of commercial and industrial applications –
this means a huge number of potential customers!
Some examples of what laser cleaning can do are the following:

Rust & Oxidation Removal
Rust is formed by the corrosion of iron; overtime rust will slowly damage underlying materials and can lead to part failure. Keeping your tools and equipment free from rust and oxidation will prolong their lifespan! Laser cleaning technology can be used for oxide removal and there is no need for chemicals, reducing environmental risk and impact. At we can clean everything from small machinery to large and complex rusted surfaces.
Common Laser Cleaning
Coating and rust removal
Laser cleaning removes coating and deposits including oil and rust.
Weld inspections
Laser cleaning leaves a fully exposed weld in clean condition, enabling NDT inspection without worry of residues impacting results.
Areas requiring precise work
When there is an area with sensitive equipment (i.e. electrical), laser is the best option.
Architectural cleaning
With laser cleaning we can restore statues, monuments, plaques, buildings, and structures without damaging the original surface.
Environmental sensitive areas
Laser cleaning is an eco-friendly option as all materials are collected in a vacuum system, making laser cleaning the best choice for areas where pollution and containments must be minimized (i.e. Waterways, Hospitals).
Rust Cleaning & Removal in Texas
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 Am to 4:00 PM
*Closed Saturday & Sunday
Contact Us:
Phone: +1-254-300-6075